Sunday, March 21, 2010

Papaya + Banana and Amaranth Gentle Spring Scrub!!

This is a delicious, vitamin and mineral packed scrub perfect for celebrating the Spring Equinox and one of the recipes from last nights 'RAW food for the Skin' class at the Green Home Center in SF.

p.s. Don't worry about over-using this scrub. It's perfect for every day use and provides the skin with everything it needs all in one shot!!

Be sure to store the finished goods in the fridge....treat it like fresh food!

The Recipe:

1/2 papaya, seedless
1 banana, broke into pieces
1 tsp of amaranth (a grain found in most bulk sections at the store)
1/2 honey dew or other melon
1 tsp of almond meal (or grind your own almonds)

* a tsp of honey is optional and will help preserve the scrub so it lasts longer*

Place everything in a food processor or blender and mix thoroughly, then store in a glass jar.
Massage gently on to damp skin and rinse.
You could also massage it on the entire body...hey, why not??

For dry skin: add a tsp of your favorite oil ( i like almond, shea and jojoba)
For oily skin: squeeze a tsp of grapefruit, orange, lemon or citrus of choice.

Peace + Love,

Monday, March 15, 2010

Uplifting Cold and Flu Bath Oil

After teaching a Yoga + Spa Pampering Workshop yesterday, in which several students were 'under the weather', i thought it would be appropriate to do a recipe for a lovely bath oil that treats colds and flus!

So, here it is:

3/4 Tbsp of either Jojoba, Almond or Shea Oil
3 drops EACH of the following essential oils:
-Roman Chamomile
-Rosemary Verbenon

Combine all ingredients and stir vigorously, add a few teaspoons to your bath or massage on the bottom of your feet. enjoy!

* A great resource for sustainable, organic ingredients to make your products is Mountain Rose Herbs. They are a ZERO waste company/farm based out of Oregon and have an online store!


Monday, March 8, 2010

Organic Pure Cane Sugar + Mint & Cacao Scrub

Yesterday we did a very special and delicious workshop in San Francisco, which infused yoga, chocolate ( and a body care making class at Acupuncture Kitchen.
We focused on sensuality and chocolate as medicine. It was truly the most divine & decadent workshop to date!!
I would like to share the scrub we made!!

But first...a few things about the ingredients:

1.) Pure Cane Sugar: This differs from Beet sugar or refined sugar. it is the actual cane of the plant and is slightly brown in color. It is a natural source of glycolic acid and much less drying and abrasive than salt, yet it exfoliates and smoothes the skin!

2.) Mint: There are many variations of mint....peppermint, spearmint, bergamot mint.
All are very cooling and therapeutic for the skin. You could use fresh mint and mince it or buy dry mint in bulk from your local co-op.

3.) Raw Cacao Powder: This comes from the Cacao Tree. It is the bean from the tree, which is ground into a powder. Chocolate in it's pure form like this (before the milk and refined sugars are added) is a more powerful antioxidant than blueberries, red wine, black tea and green tea!!
Polyphenol, found in cacao, prevents premature added bonus for sure.

The Recipe: Organic Pure Cane + Mint & Cacao Powder Scrub

-Fill jar of choice almost full with pure cane sugar, leaving about a 1/4 inch on top
-Mix in 1 tsp of mint, 1 tsp cacao powder
-Stir in 3-4 tbsp of your favorite oil (almond, shea and joboba work great for this one)

* if using fresh mint, store scrub in the fridge so it will last longer.
* Massage on entire body. Especially great for elbows, knees and feet.

Peace + Enjoy,

Friday, March 5, 2010

Organic Banana + Avocado Mask

As we slowly move away from winter and start to see little signs of spring, i thought it would be a lovely time to bring some freshness to the skin and provide one of my favorite mask recipes!!

Here it goes: (using organic ingredients is better for you and the earth!)

1/2 Banana
1/2 Avocado
1 tsp Almond Meal
1 tsp Lemon Juice
1 tsp Honey

Either mix all ingredients by hand or in a blender/food processor and apply to a clean face.
Leave the mask on until it becomes hard and then gently begin to wash off using small circular motions around the face. This will help create blood flow and bring more oxygen to the skin.

Peace + Love,
NAYA Organics